Hey look at me! Time for the bi-weekly captn goldstar south american recapitulation. Here goes. From the volcano hotspring town of Banos we scooted down to Montanita on the west coast of Ecuador. Holy dinah it was like walking into the rasta-pirate surfer old west. Found a super sketchy lodge at the end of the beach to set up the tent. Just in time for a surfng competition full moon party. Oh wait, I already told you about that! Moved from there to Vilcabamba where I told you about the books I read. Vilcabamba is this weird place where everyone you talk to is mentioning the alien portals opening up around the world and they´ve all been to burning man. I found a bunch more san pedro cactus to cook up and started it cooking on the stove. When I went to check it it was gone! I thought one of the long hair grey beard hippies stole it but found out it was the owner of our lodge. He told me that we would talk about it in the morning. I thought I was going to get in trouble but in the morning he gave the pot back to me and told me a path I needed to go. I went there up a mountain where a weird hermit was living. I sat with him while we cooked the sanpedro at an open fire. He told me more about space aliens and how our planet is part of some galactic federation and is known as Urantia. I looked up that word on the internet and some pretty weird stuff came up. I also met up and formed a mini tribe with a bunch of peeps from Guatamala. By amazing synchronicity they know personally the witch in Lago Atitlan I visited 5 years ago and who rebirthed me, giving me a magic bean and telling me much of my past lives. We travelled with the guatamalans who speak great spanish and are great at making deals. We all journeyed across the boarder back into peru to the ruins of Keulap. We rode and slept in the back of a rice truck the whole way! At Keulap we drank the san pedro and pondered the mysteries of the incas and the CHachapoyas people who built Keulap an enormous castle at the top of a mountain. Chachapoyas means Strong People who live in the Clowds. Why did all these people seem to base so much of their culture on the movement of the stars and planets. I think thats a very important question. Why dont we think that the placement of the heavenly bodies has direct influence on the happenings on our planet when all other ancient cultures made it the primar cause. This is what we pondered. We slept in our tents at the base of the ruins, played with the local kids there. Ate some potatoes, they have like 30 types of potatoes here. Yum.
Now back in Lima. Im trying to buy a guitar and small battery powered amp. Apparently the best place to go is in the black market in the seediest part of town. Whenever someone tells me about it they mention how dangerous it is. Neat, I wonder what kinds of instruments they have! The plan is to head to Lake Titicaca and set up the tent for a few weeks and just play the guitar in that sacred place. Really practice and get really good for when I come back. Bolivia is supposed to be like the south american tibet, and titicaca is supposed to be really sacred. Its super high altitude like a massive puddle at the top of the world. Apparenly it connects to an underwater portal to the land of the subteranean water ufos. Or at least that what Ive been told. Ive also been told there´s some kind of ultradimensional brotherhood who have set up shop there and are taking new recruits. Kind of like a hermetic learning school that transends time and space like the Shriners on acid. Ive written a whole slew of tunes about manitoba heroes and villains that I think is really going to fly. One of the songs is about the Winnipeg jets. Kind of like a war song against american imperialism generating national and regional pride. Hitting a sore spot that many thousands of peggers still feel in their hearts. Mostly its a marketing technique and Im going to make it a real tear jerker so that when die hard jets fans hear it they get all teary eyed and then angry enough to break all the windows at the starbucks in rage chanting SAVE OUR JETS SAVE OUR JETS
Im going to go to that spot at titicaca where the original inca came down from space and walk through the portal and really make these songs good. Especially this year being both the year of the Tiger and the year of Manitoba cultural capitol.
party on wayne
One of the most peculiar things about that Urantia Book is the way new discoveries are catching up to it, particularly the middle section on the history of the world. We're starting to discovery a lot of things about ancient history that was published in the Urantia Book in 1955. See ubthenews.com. UBtheNEWS
Whoah that´s freaky! They heard me!
indeed....lol @ the jets fans taking down the starbucks. true passion! :)
excellent writings here, you're an inspiration my friend.
Keep going! Keep going! Looking forward to hearing/seeing the latest version of the Captain upon return.
All good, but don't balk at danger!
you had me at 'alien'! ;) lmao ...
holy smoky tiger!?! what a charmed life you lead; inspiring to say the least!!
all the best; peace.
?? Urantia sounds like the name for a planet made out of Uranium.
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