Exit Through The Gift Shop (Grafitti related)
Rip (copyright related)
Another graf movie (part only)
Inductivist methodology supposed that one can somehow move from a series of singular existential statements to a universal statement. That is, that one can move from 'this is a white swan', 'that is a white swan', and so on, to a universal statement such as 'all swans are white'. This method is clearly deductively invalid, since it is always possible that there may be a non-white swan that has eluded observation (and, in fact, the discovery of the Australian black swan demonstrated the deductive invalidity of this particular statement).
I started watching exit through the gift shop.
I liked that one a lot. Mr brainwash cracks me up.
If you watch that and "Rip", back to back, your brain will implode. I'm not sure if sharing art (art for everyone), or distinguished voices (sort of elitism) are the way to go.
I guess that's the age old question, if we give it all away for free, how do we survive in a system of exchange?
And, on that...
I suppose if one of you, who had read nearly every post/comment I've ever written, in both ALFA and BETA, were to critique this, you might say I try to get philosophical too often.
I would reply with:
wow, thanks for reading all that stuff I wrote! Where would I be without an audience of tolerant, kind hearted, good looking online friends?! Seriously, I would be even crazier without you folks.
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