12 April 2010

Rule 2 (by Sarah C.)

Can’t isn’t a word.
Then try harder.
Your best in the moment
is good enough for me, if
it’s good enough for you.
Did you do your best?
Then sleep well
we start again tomorrow


Quitmoanez said...


D.Macri said...

"did you do your best" is a tough question to ask ourselves. Ultimately, I don't know what my potential for certain things so it's hard to gauge. Instead I ask "was it a sincere effort". Even then, I have to say "no" more often than I like to.

Anita said...

I most often say yes, I did my best. If not, then I think of it as an opportunity to do better next time.

Wow, that is so sickeningly optimistic! :)

P.S. I like the calm reassuring wisdom in this poem.

the dread Pirate Roberts said...

Good night Wesley, good work, I'll most likely kill you in the morning.