22 March 2010

Samian-- La Paix de Braves

Rap Québecois ft. Loco Locass


Krahn said...

fraggin' deluxe! lovin' the candian hip hop. funny thing: on my way to work I was thinking about the smoki tygr show on friday doing all the manitoba songs and stuff. Essentiallyu this video is what I would like everyone on stage to look like, great concept.

Word Ver: cloun

c-dog said...


la paix de 1701 said...

yeah, pretty awesome. the lyrics are pretty awesome too-- all about colonization, the need for a new start, and the french-aboriginal alliance.

"allume les calumes et fume pour les grand-peres..."

i.e. light up the peace pipes and smoke 'em for our ancestors...

cara said...

that is really cool!

la grande paix de 1701 said...

oops. they say "fume pour la grand paix"-- the great peace. which refers to a treaty signed in 1701 b/t french and aboriginals in quebec that more or less kept the peace for quite a long time.