23 January 2010

Pain is a social determinant of health - C. Quiñonez


D.Macri said...

I don't understand.


anita said...

Hmmm interesting. Don't quite know which angle to tackle this one from...thinking back to my community health class. My prof would have loved this as an essay topic.

Do you mean psychosocial pain or physical pain. Or do you mean that pain in general impacts one health in a broad social perspective.

Teach me, Dr.Q.

c-dog said...

I mean any type of pain. In fact, recent research has found that to the brain, they're almost the same thing.

I also mean that the general impacts on one's health are socially determined, and I also mean that pain is not equally distributed in our society, as health, money, power, etc aren't either.

I think that our tolerance to other people's pain, even if we know that the experience of pain is inequitable, is one basis for structural violence, or how we attack others silently in this society by choosing to live as we do (at least on this side of the tracks anyways).