18 January 2010

In November 2006, artist collaboration Goldin+Senneby visited the site in Sonoma Valley where the Bliss image was taken, re-photographing the same view ten years later. Their work 'After Microsoft' [8] was first shown in the exhibition "Paris was Yesterday" at gallery La Vitrine in April 2007 [9] and has later been exhibited at Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo [10], and 300m3 in Gothenburg. [11]


D.Macri said...

I don't really know the details of the controversy, but these pictures are fascinating to me. Not sure why exactly.

c-dog said...


plishk said...

i can't believe how recognizable this is - i knew instantly that it was microsoft... a bit frightening, really.

Krahn said...

didn;t even think that this was a real picture of a real place. I associate it so closley with the neutral bliss of my computer Screen. Thank you 1998's Optiquest 7100.

Lorne Roberts said...

i'd be interested to hear what they have to say about it.

as in, what's the point they're making, since it's hard not to assume, due to the "after microsoft" title, they've got some kind of point about something? it is an instantly recognizable landscape (i knew i recognized the landscape of the top photo instantly, but wasn't sure how).

i'm not sure i get the "after" part of the title.