19 August 2010



Anonymous said...

Yes, before tumors turned to gold.

Lorne Roberts said...

who posts these? what's it about? any idea?

Denis said...

I was hoping to hear reactions and impressions before revealing anything bout them, but there has not been much reaction at all. I posted them the other day in and around downtown and the exchange. They are just meant to make people think.

Lorne Roberts said...

well, my reaction/impression before i knew who it was was to think about innocence/childhood, the time(s) when you didn't have to (and maybe weren't even able to) think about the heavy questions.

i also thought about how cancer seems to be largely a "lifestyle" or environmental disease, in that our diets and environments go a long ways towards causing it. (i've read before that inuit, for example, have near-zero cancer rates.)