but i don't really care much one way or the other what the background is. I was just taking a break at work and messing around with the settings.
Lately, I've been reading about how much electricity the internet uses, and how the more complicated it continues to get, this whole internet thing, the more electricity it continues to use. And we take it for granted here in Canada that electicity = hydro. In fact, we're the only place in the world that uses "hydro" as a synonym for "electricity". In many places in the world, electricity still = coal and/or nuclear.
So therefore, complicated background = more electricity = problems for old computers = excess consumption of resources either by burning the electricity, or by continuing to purchase newer and better computers and micro-gadgets to keep up with the progress, thereby consigning our old computers to chinese scrap yards where whole families dismantle them with their bare hands.
Seriously. If you don't believe me, watch the Edward Burtynsky film "Manufactured Landscapes" where he shows this. Chinese people taking apart old computers with their bare hands, trying to save mercury and copper and stuff for re-use.
So my point is we all need to start consuming less:
Less electricity.
Less oil.
Less plastic.
Less food even, dare I say it.
Less coffee.
Less sugar.
All of this is necessary for our survival as a species, and for the well-being of our fellow humans and animals around the globe, each of whom has as much right to be here as us.
I have been reading lots of AlfA blog lately, and I realize we've all been working for years at stuff, and we're all young but coming to be on top of our games in various ways, whatever our games may be. Whether our game is music, art-making, learning, earning, caring, doing, whatever it is, all of us are doing stuff. And we're all pretty good at it, and it's rewarding us all, whether financially or otherwise.
So this is then an invitation, I suppose. Or a question. What are we going to do with all of this material and non-material wealth we have been given? What am I going to do?
My cynicism tells me:
It's too late, and humans are too stupid and selfish. People aren't getting the magnitude when they think turning the air conditioner off, or drinking less coffee will do anything. The only way an abrupt change can happen, on this immense of a scale (so contrary to human drives) is with massive catastrophic violence and death, which I really do expect (soon). If everyone went back to being nomadic fruit and nut gatherers tomorrow, we would still be hooped. Reducing consumption/waste isn't enough. We need science fiction type stuff, jetsons style nanotech and mass brain control (even more efficient than TV).
My soul tells me:
It's all an illusion, don't worry about anything but love. I mean pay your rent n'stuff, but don't forget you are an animal in a bizarre ritual of time, gifted with a unique and robust (through senses) existence.
We as intelligent human beings have a duty and obligation to promote the well being of the planet. Why doesn't our generation speak up more?
It's not a generational thing, not that it's a certain age that is too wussy...
I think it's organizational (organization of ideals/values). Humans get into something that works, and they go with it until it literally breaks. We have been trained to produce like worker ants, and our hierarchies are exploited. Humans are not just lazy or scared, but on a large scale, peaceful creatures. No one wants to raise up against anything, it feels too much like violence. And again with the organization, what would you rise against? Its everything that is corrupt now. So I guess the revolution might be best started internally, with the self. And, isn't it all an illusion? Drink it up, make your responsibility to be complete, whatever that means to you (which could include environmental concerns I suppose). Even if the entire world doesn't come to an end, we each will (eventually). I'm excited to have such good seats in the theater of the universe right now. Truly I am blessed.
I think the revolution needs to start with LESS thinking about the self. It needs to start with everyone giving more love to everything.
Wow, I sound like a HUGE hippy right now. Doesn't matter if we die tomorrow, the fact is that we are alive now.
I like the new background.
share the wealth.
less is more.
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