25 August 2010

Here we go! just cutting some of the final pieces...


Denis said...

Don't ya hate it when you post something and nobody makes any comments?

c-dog said...

Give us a chance, I just got home from work!

Awesome stuff. Hope it looks amazing on the building!

jc said...

nah, not really Denis, I imagined everyone ws in such awe....hahahhaha

(secretly the artist cries himself to sleep)

cara said...

it looks great JC!

This will be mounted on the WEC, right?

jc said...

yup, part 1 of 4, all going up Sept.25th!

Lorne Roberts said...

this is great. can't wait to see it!

word verif: zoodingt.

micro said...

"Hope it looks amazing on the building!" -Carlos


I'm just kidding. I'm sure he meant to say "praise be to Jah, that will be even more magnificent once hung in the temple of Apollo"!

I gave Andrew a similar hard time recently. I was telling him about school, and he said "don't f'k it up". That shit drives me crazy, you cats are supposed to know how to do this. It's our special positivity vibration power of manifestation. Say "That IS awesome"... and it WILL be, say "you WILL succeed at that" and we will! Even so, I know Carlos is all love here (and just trying to meet Denis' unreasonable comment deadlines =P). I figure he is having sympathy-performance-anxiety-pains, not being able to visualize how this will fit in perhaps. James has aids for that, tons of preparatory work, some of which I've seen. Let me tell you it's great now and going to look even more better once installed!

jc said...

yep, it will be amazing. eight month long project here, more preliminary work then I have ever done for anything. Combination of steel and aluminum, big trucks and lifts for the installation, thousands of dollars, macquettes too. Lordy! Spetember 25th...I appreciate the words people!

Quitmoanez said...

Don't f-ck it up, heheh.

anita said...

Looks really amazing! Good for you James!

tiger 4 u said...


hey where s my organ

jc said...

In the G-rage....ready for drop off/pick up. when's the practice/jam?