22 January 2012


J C said...

very nice! I like the edits, A+

c-dog said...

Love it!!!

D.Macri said...


cara said...

This is so great!!
Well done.

D.Macri said...

Thanks! =D

TheBlueMask said...

A lot of info in 2 min! Very well done

TheBlueMask said...

unrelated....where do I click to post now??

Anonymous said...

right side of green bar at top. hover over to see what does what.

Anonymous said...

might need to sign in first to see buttons

lr said...

awesome! is it a promo for red river?

funny how, even though we've gone very different ways in school, we ended up on a similar (digital) path. my master's thesis is all about digitization-- what it means that we're moving texts and literature from books onto computer screens.

can you write code? i can only THEORIZE about people coding and what it might mean for us as a culture. I tried to learn MySQL and php last year, but it didn't go very well.

D.Macri said...

This video was an assignment. The RRC stuff at the end was mandatory. I totally suck at code, but learning that there are increasingly easy ways to get around it. It ends up being like blogging*, hehe.

So what does it mean to move books to computer screens? I'm doing a (kind of) similar project.

*It seems that way. I'm not quite there yet though. We're learning about themes/templates this term.

lr said...

Well, cognitively speaking, our minds do different things when we're looking at words on a computer screen, in a book, or when we're listening to them.

So, on some very basic levels, it actually makes us THINK differently.

I'm focusing more on what it's doing to publishing as an industry-- academic and popular.

Surprisingly (or maybe not), the computer age is actually making us a MORE literate culture than we were. A generation ago, or less, we got a lot of our info from TV and movies. Now people are reading and writing a lot more again, in digital form, and getting their info that way.

D.Macri said...

The flow of information staggers me. I feel easily distracted when the homework machine is also the "everybody i know" machine (fb, blogs, email), as well as chess and dinner recipes on youtube,=P. Tutorials are awesome. Also, it's too easy to say shit off the cuff and then have written a 4 page apology before the person checks their mail. hehehe.

D.Macri said...

J.W. did you figure out how to post?