14 September 2010

Flight 1

Wrap up your toes
and your blue girl,
and open the sparks
that the laughter from
headphones and hops
to the back of two shoes

This is your match
summary, percentages
of errors, intervals
with confidence
it is with grace
that you win

stone angels
hold their trumpets
of a trip long ago
where her lips
kissed your cheek
as she cried
gently, gently
and chase
your dreams
even when there
are casualties


jc said...

oh the casualties! wicked work Winonez!

Lorne Roberts said...

so, here's my comment re our earlier convo on the phone--

i actually like the start more than the finish--

on the phone, you were mentioning recording varied sensory impressions, in an almost "abstract" fashion (my word, not yours, but i think you get the concept).

anyway, i feel the start follows that concept of yours more than the end.

actually, now i just re-read the end and i like it too.

so i dunno.

i wonder if sometimes, when you chase your dreams, it's YOU who becomes the casualty.

cara said...

I think we are casualities of our dreams and so are others.

I'd get rid of the word "and" in between the words gently and chase