15 March 2012

Update 433

‎"I wanna find Satan and agress against him, for surely that dude is wicked." --- Alfa blog, c. 2007.


D.Macri said...

The blog said that?

lr said...

Yes, it did, as part of its overcoming of its intolerance of ambiguity.

D.Macri said...

Ah yes the struggle for the tolerance to the ambiguity. =P

While that battle rages on...

Was it Andrew? Was it the smoky tiger who said that?

Sounds like him.


lr said...

I wrote it as a comment to a smoky tiger post. It's likely I was quoting an email/lyric/post of his. Maybe I was just imitating his style. Can't remember.

D.Macri said...

I guess everything mixes eventually.