24 March 2012

Quelle grosse crisse de manif!

The crowd you see in this short video passed by, exactly this big and this loud, for over two hours. Apparently from head to tail it was nearly 5 km long.

They're saying "Crions, plus fort! Pour que personne ne nous ignore!" (Yell louder, so no one can ignore us.)

And everywhere the crowd passed it was like you see here-- people hanging banners off their balconies, cheering us on from bridges, standing on the side of the road playing drums, etc. Even some students at McGill, which is notoriously anti-strike, had draped Queen Victoria in red robes and hung a big sign around her neck that said "McGill en greve" (McGill on strike).

I mentioned that it was all students, profs, college and university staff, etc, but actually there were lots of members of the community at large-- kids, senior citizens, and workers from all kinds of walks of life.

Needless to say, I found it all pretty inspiring. I think everyone who was there did, even if they were just watching from their balconies.

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