01 December 2011

Update 666 (For those who hate Freedom)

Get ready, Manitoba! Any second now, your borders are about to be overrun by lazy unemployed people looking for handouts, criminals attracted by your "hug a thug" policy, your economy is about to collapse, and all your media is about to be co-opted by the government to print extra copies of "The Communist Manifesto." And then they'll take away your guns and silence all opposition. At least, I THINK that's what happens when you elect an NDP gov't, isn't it?

p.s. I know this is true because I read it on the Internet.


KD said...

Then it's true. You are coming home for Christmas. I didn't realize you are bringing friends though ; )

lr said...

ha ha! that's right! i'm coming to peg city, and i'm bringing all my criminal buddies with me!

lr said...

(although they're really only criminals in the steve miller "gangster of love" style.)

cara said...

all jokers, smokers and midnight tokers welcome.