13 September 2011

The House of Metamorphosis


D.Macri said...

No comment ?!


c-dog said...

Amazing of course! So good!

c-dog said...

Gah, serious, I love it!

D.Macri said...

Thanks! =)

cara said...


pretty cool Macri!

D.Macri said...

Thank you! I'm kind of mixed on it myself. Being the piece I was learning on, it has a lot of things I think I could do better. But I appreciiate it for what it is, and I have deep appreciation for the music and musician, so it is easy for me to still enjoy.

I'm excited with my new role with media, as it allows me a really amazing way to work with my musician friends. I also did a little montage of mountain photos to some of Sky Onosson's music, and now am going to do some stuff for Blackout City Kids, a local mash-ups duo. You can see everything I make if you subscribe to my youtube channel =P. I expect there will be more, and more better yet to come! (I hope !)

TheBlueMask said...

Fantastic! I subbed you on the Ytube :)

lr said...


micro said...


lr said...

hey! where'd the bluemask image go?

D.Macri said...

ya, what gives?

TheBlueMask said...

I tried to repost a better rez pic, but it came out yellow. I'll repost for archives sake later.